Dynamics 365 Sales

Empower your sellers and accelerate revenue

Make selling easier with AI, automation, and real-time insights built into sellers’ flow of work.

Generate customer-specific email drafts, email summaries, and opportunity summaries with copilot capabilities.

Focus on the right customers with AI-based scoring models, a prioritized work list, and data visualizations.

Minimize app-switching with automatic updates in Microsoft 365 apps.
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Dynamics 365 Sales pricing
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional

Core sales force automation and Microsoft 365 integration

$65 per user/month
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise

Industry-leading sales force automation with contextual insights, next-generation AI, and advanced customization. Includes Copilot capabilities like natural language insights, record updates, email and meeting assistance, and opportunity summaries

$95 per user/month
Dynamics 365 Sales Premium

Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise plus prebuilt customizable intelligence solutions for sellers and managers. Includes Copilot capabilities like natural language insights, record updates, email and meeting assistance, and opportunity summaries

$135 per user/month
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